Bill Anderson "Cincinnati, Ohio" |
(Bill Anderson) (Cincinnati, Ohio ~ Cincinnati, Ohio) One more hour and I'll be home Close my eyes and rest my bones Can't be more than a mile or so From Cincinnati, Ohio ~ Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati where the river winds 'Cross the Mason and the Dixie Line Heaven waits for me I know In Cincinnati, Ohio ~ Cincinnati, Ohio. I guess perhaps the memories got too strong Grabbed me by the heart strings and pulled me home I got to thinkin' bout some friends I know in Cincinnati, Ohio ~ Cincinnati, Ohio. (Cincinnati, Ohio ~ Cincinnati, Ohio) I walked half way from Lewieville Now there she lies at the foot of the hill Shining like a jewel in the valley Below Cincinnati. Ohio ~ Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati where the river winds 'Cross the Mason and the Dixie Line Heaven waits for me I know In Cincinnati, Ohio ~ Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio ~ Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio ~ Cincinnati, Ohio... Lyric from |