Edenbridge "Terra Nova" |
Welcome home, welcome life So unknown, when you arrive The fire, so cut the wire Your eyes, your small eyes Your eyes, your hopeful eyes Welcome life, welcome home Welcome to a world that's so unknown Dust and dreams, fall or shine Welcome to the world The grand design And here you are, and here you stay Into the light to your entree Innocent child, so pure to the core It is a long way to explore Go on, never believe it's done It is a journey unknown It is life that only has begun Terra nova, nova era rise � blazing a trail Terra nova, nova era rise � one in a mankind's dream Terra nova, nova era rise � rising to fame Terra nova, nova era rise Why not blazing a trail and change A new world is waiting a new world is here The spirits of youth, when you're in your prime Nothing can tire out, you never mark time The shifiting of scenes, the cushy life's gone Reversing the roles, the game is on Cosmogony, a world to rise Cosmogony, a world to rise It's the legacy of the wise Just one providence marks the line Cosmogony, a world divine One, one small hope Is lucently lurking in all A leap in the dark The final incarnation's call The hard lot of earth Will have turned to rebirth When a love of a man Takes on the venture, you can Welcome home, welcome life So unknown, when you arrive Lyric from www.lyricmania.com |