Jump Little Children - Overkill lyric

Ringtones Ringtone: Send Overkill Ringtone to your Cell Phone!

Never, never ending
Constant motion, constancy
Forever complicated,
Never silent, never for me

Never, never for me
Always overkill, yeah
Never, never for me
Always overkill

Open to possibilties
however unlikely
Nothing quite convincing
As a moment of peace

Never, never for me
Always overkill, yeah
Never, never for me
Always overkill

Ever patient, relaxed and floating
Falling heavens are lost in orbit
Passing nature, calming faces
Celestral bodies are wondering, silent

Never, never for me
Always overkill, yeah
Never, never for me
Always overkill

Nothing quite convincing
As a moment of peace

Ringtones Ringtone: Send Overkill Ringtone to your Cell Phone!

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