"Dance Before The Storm"

Dance Before the Storm
These are dangerous time we live in
I heard a man once say
If you're prone to flights of fancy
Your dreams can fly away
See the sights around you
Of breakdown and decay
Wrought by the greed for a better life
For which you have to pay

From Glasgow town to London
Down the motorway
There's people standing in the rain
Looking for any way
To take them down to where they're bound
It's a part of another way
It's called the art of survival
In a modern age

Dance before the storm, don't look back to where you've been
The horror's even further as the sands of time run thin
Dance before the storm as the machinery breaks down
Watch the sky go black with anger, but no-one makes a sound

From Albion Hill to the Old Chain Pier
You can hear a person say
spare some change for all me pains
So if your head spins
round - go underground
Away from the games they play
People down there are trying to care
And let each one have their say
it's not revolution tactics
Or cause for anarchy
Just a natural fight for a natural life
Of which Systems are afraid
And if it all surrounds you
Seems like there's no escape
And there's someone stood in front of you
Saying do it in their way
Turn your eyes towards the tides
See how they never change
The sands of time will break their mime
Like riding on a wave