Lonnie Johnson "There's No Use Of Lovin' (1926)" |
And now you stop lovin', I don't see where I should. And now you stop lovin', I don't see where I should. What's the use of lovin' someone, when they don't mean you no good. Weeoooow � it sure is good � ah, do that thing Mr. Lonnie Johnson. Mr. Lonnie Johnson, the man with nine different feelings, and he puts it in the same place every time. Weeoooow � get off my back blues! [man's spoken words]. This world is so crooked, you don't know what to do. This world is so crooked, you don't know what to do. When you tries to hold up your head, everybody frown on you. The sun rose this mornin', I was layin' down on my floor. When the sun rose this mornin', I was layin' down on my floor. Had no sweet woman to love me, and no place to go. I could learn to love you baby, like I would a baby child. I could learn to love you baby, like I would a baby child. But you are still woman; you are not still young and wild. Tell me baby, what can I do to change your min? Tell me baby, what can I do to change your mind? I could learn to love you, if you would be only nice and kind. You don't have to worry, he's gonna play it again. [man's spoken words] Lyric from www.lyricmania.com |