Loop Troop "Top Dogz" |
Jag vill plocka hela j�vla landet, naturliga r�varbandet P� nya tillslag, skapar drag, vinner slag V�ssar mina blad, h�ller gard i Stockholms stad K�r p� med samma stil, rockar samma stil Samma smil, samma blick, samma skick, samma trick S� fuck alla andra, jag g�r allt f�r min klick Komplicerad independent versus storbolags hiphop Helt bakv�nt som KrissKross, Petter rankas tiptop Paradoxalt kan t�nkas, men d�ngor kommer s�nkas och dom som snackar skit dom kommer dr�nkas Det �r s� det g�r till, vi sl�r till, jag f�r till prylar jag vill g�ra e stilar jag vill k�ra ey Petter p� r�da, precis vad dom vill h�ra och n�r Petter g�r p� scen, bara se men inte r�ra ey som Chepe & Sallas hundar, jag hugger n�r du blundar Petter i Redline Studios med Loop Troop f�r dom som undrar We've got the Top of the Underground Top of the Mainstream We rule them both and everything in between Loop Troop terrorister Petter p� topplistor Redline Records t�cker hela registret We've got the Top of the Underground Top of the Mainstream We rule them both and everything in between Loop Troop terrorister Petter p� topplistor This nice dread's the hottest thing out since sliced bread Why is dead rappers acting like they're some wise heads Give disguise, spread the weed on your way What, are you still here fool? You didn't hear what I said? I said, escort that wack flow out the back door Catch a bottle from the crowd and lose teeth like a crackho Tobaco poster boy with no breath control Why so many wack rappers, Ya ain't heard of birth control? I search the globe for worthy competition and found nobody even worth to be dissin' in this overpopulated rapindustry I'm the one cutting the branches off, to save the tree Some are leafes but I and I are the roots ("I and I" betyder "vi") In the underground trying guidin' the youths With the top to the bottom like Whole-cars from top doors Running the redline to give cops jobs We've got the Top of the Underground Top of the Mainstream We rule them both and everything in between Loop Troop alkoholister Petter p� topplistor Redline Records t�cker hela registret We've got the Top of the Underground Top of the Mainstream We rule them both and everything in between Loop Troop alkoholister Petter p� topplistor Redline Records t�cker hela registret Loop Troop p� r�da Fr�n s�der om s�dra Ni som l�cker ska f�rbl�da Huven vi ska f�rbr�dra Hungern jag ska d�va Dom som blundar jag ska bl�nda Dom som slocknar vi ska t�nda Ni vet vinden kan v�nda och jag skiter i vad ni pratar om allt ni tjatar om Ryktena vem startar dom och hatarna jag hatar dom co �r shit vi kapar dom Rubriker vi skapar dom Loop Troop & Petter MCs vi ratar dom Ingen kommer sakna dom Noll koll p� vad dom gapar om Retoriskt invalida som Ringholm Dags att t�nka om vi droppar beafen Latin Kings droppar beaten v�rsta dynamiten fr�n f�rortsfabriken Asfaltseliten tj�nar svarta kulor p� kuppen medan du diggar h�rdare �n Levi's muppen Och truppen alltid p� st�ldturne, alltid p� G Garanterad succ� med DVSG's � PST i GBG fr�n V-�s Supreme g�r om i 200 bl�s f�r 2000 �r v�rt Inga f�rl�t inga urs�kter f�r att vi regerar sv�ngen Hey snubbar ja drar, det �r dags att t�nka p� refr�ngen We've got the Top of the Underground Top of the Mainstream We rule them both and everything in between Loop Troop anarkister Petter p� topplistor Redline Records t�cker hela registret We've got the Top of the Underground Top of the Mainstream We rule them both and everything in between Loop Troop anarkister Petter p� topplistor Redline Records t�cker hela registret Lyric from www.lyricmania.com |