Los Amigos

I was walking down the road one night
and I thought do we really need all this stuff.
I passed the electricians, and allied carpets
and it all seemed more than enough.
So I wondered
and I asked myself.

Why have carpets when floorboards
were ok?
Why have lightbulbs when candles
do the job?
And do we really need to think about all the stuff
that doesn't have anything to do with us.
Don't we just need life to be

I kept on walking down this road
and I saw that was even more.
A texaco petrol station
and a burger king.
So I wondered
and I asked myself.

Why have cars when walking
was ok?
Why have burgers when it looked alright
on a plate?
And do we really need to think about all the stuff
that doesn't have anything to do with us.
Don't we just need life to be