Los Amigos

Snook: I love coats
Vingoe: Oh you mean those things with magistrates in them?
Snook: Are those those hood things that keep you dry.

I like big courts and I cannot lie
You other criminal can't deny
When a judge walks in, there's a load of space.
You can walk out without a trace and then run!

Vingoe: Ok. I thought you were gonna sing about coats.
Snook: No! Courts. There's a difference between courts and coats.
Vingoe: Ok sure. Whatever.

Coats are cool.
They keep out the rain.
Like cellofane.
Bit useless in spain.
Or on a train
Cause they're undercover
Coats are cool
Cause they keep you dry.
But I don't
I don't know why.

Vingoe: What? I thought we were singing about courts!
Snook: For gods sake man!