Los Amigos

I want to write a musical, musical, musical!
So any ideas?

In a flat in fair Bromley.
Infested with mice.
Lived a poor man named Rodney.
Who's run out of rice.

I am so hungry.
He is so hungry.
To the fridge I must fly
He must fly.
In order to get a ham sandwich

Then he opened the fridge!
Dom dom, dom dom dom dom, dom dom dom.
Mustard, the mustard!
Where is the mustard?
He can't find the mustard.
Mustard, the mustard!
Where is the mustard?
He can't find the mustard.
Le mustard, le mustard.
Ou est le mustard?
He is not french.

Oh no. The landlord.
The landlords on his way.
The landlord, the landlord
The landlords on his way.


Where is the rent?
I must have the rent!
Dollars, dimes and pennies.
I need them all right now.

My money, my money, my money it is gone.
That is why I am still singing this song.
This song.
You have 4 days. (bom-bom-bom)
I said 4 days. (bom-bom-bom)
Yes 4 days. (bom-bom-bom)
But until then, goodbye.

The landlord, the landlord, the landlord he is gone.
Ding dong, the landlords gone.
Which landlord?
The one that just left.

I still have one problem.
What is that problem?
I have no mustard.
He has no mustard.
Who would steal my mustard.
I know, it was the phantom!

Eat once again with me, our strange buffet.
I eat your mustard, almost every day.
And it is so tasty, just by the way.
Cause the phantom of the fridge has stole.
Your mustard!

Nah I don't wanna do a musical after all.