Tracy Chapman "Short Supply" |
Where are The sunny days The blue skies The flowers for the children The colors for their eyes? Don't you see Don't you see All these things now days Come in short supply It's time that we It's time that we Make a space in our hearts And open our eyes Where are All the sandy beaches Fishes in the sea Birds to sing for daybreak? Where are all the trees? Don't you see Don't you see All these things now days Come in short supply It's time that we It's time that we Make a space in our hearts And open our eyes Where are all the grassy hilltops Clean air to breathe Pure water to drink of Beautiful sights to see? Don't you see Don't you see All these things now days Come in short supply It's time that we It's time that we Make a space in our hearts And open our eyes Or there'll be no more you There'll be no more me There'll be no more children All we know will cease to be Don't you see Don't you see The things of this earth Keep us alive It's time that we It's time that we Make a space in our hearts And open our eyes Where are the sunny days? Blue skies The flowers for the children All the colors for their eyes All the sandy beaches Fishes in the sea All the birds to sing for daybreak Where are Where are Where are all the trees? Don't you see All these things they come in short supply It's time that we Make a space inside our hearts And open our eyes Lyric from |